
An overview of what happens during an internal audit process

The business process known as internal audit is a method of tracking and testing procedures and practices in order to evaluate them against pre-determined standards in areas such as accounting compliance and integrity, statutory and regulatory compliance, quality control, delivery of services, environmental impact and customer satisfaction. An internal audit […]

Career profile: Accountant

Accountancy has an image problem when viewed as a potential career. Often depicted in the media as tedious ‘bean counters’, accountants probably reached their lowest ebb in terms of public representation when the British comedy team Monty Python released their ‘Vocational guidance counselor’ sketch in the 1960s. This stereotype of […]

How can individuals invest in private placements of securities?

Private placements of securities, for the purpose of raising capital, are something most individual investors only hear about in a press release long after the shares or bonds in question have been fully allocated to the financial or other organizations who have agreed to purchase them. The whole parcel may […]

Advantages of accrual based accounting

Accrual based accounting is the system of choice adopted by professionally qualified accountants to record the financial transactions of major corporations. It has so many advantages when compared with the alternative, cash based bookkeeping, that it should be favored by businesses of any size. Even if you are just starting […]


Rosetta writes about business. To see her articles about business, click on the down arrow next to ‘Business’ in the menu bar above.

Why granting maternity leave makes sound business sense

Women represent one half of the total population, and in some female-dominated industries they may form an even greater proportion of your workforce. The biological imperative of reproduction and nurturing of infants still impacts mainly on women, even with today’s more liberal and inclusive attitudes towards child rearing. The US […]